Trainings For Administrators

These trainings are for principals, managers and team leaders who want to motivate their staff.

Motivational Interviewing for Teams

A teacher’s job is meaningful, important and often rewarding. It’s also exhausting, frustrating and stressful. In this tough environment, how can we keep everybody motivated? Let’s start by changing how we communicate and assess our peers. Using Motivational Interviewing as a basis, this training will explain how positive conversations and evaluations, with an emphasis on listening, can keep your team motivated and engaged in their work.

Growing Confidence in Each Other

It takes a lot of self-confidence to be a teacher or a youth worker, and sometimes we all can get stuck dwelling on perceived failures or a lack of success. When a co-worker or a staff member is feeling down and out, how can we help them get their confidence back? Based on the proven practice of Motivational Interviewing, this training will provide new conversational techniques to foster confidence among your team members, allowing them to live up to their full potential.

The Power of Empathy

We can’t motivate each other to be better professionals if we don’t understand each other. Empathy is the ability to imagine ourselves in the place of others, so we can know what they are feeling. Empathy is also the ability to communicate that understanding, building trust between yourself and your co-workers. This training will provide tips and exercises to help you empathize with your staff, developing relationships that will help them grow professionally.

Trainings For Teachers

These trainings are for teachers, youth workers and other front-line professionals who want to motivate their students.

Introduction to Motivational Interviewing

Too often, one-on-one conversations with youth fail to create any real improvement. Motivational Interviewing is an approach many professional psychologists use to motivate their clients, and new research has shown this approach is also effective with youth in more casual settings. This training will explore the basics of motivational interviewing and provide a new approach to motivate youth to participate, work hard and be successful.

Finding Empathy

Motivating isn’t just something we do, it’s who we need to be. Without the right spirit, motivation strategies can devolve into a bag of “tricks” that youth will be able to see through. In this training, we explore positive youth development, discuss how to avoid cynicism and practice being a consistent positive collaborator.

Building Confidence

It’s not enough for our students to be ready to improve their academics, they must also be confident they will succeed. This training will discuss the right questions and approaches to grow confidence by focusing on the often overlooked patterns of success our students have already achieved. This session involves a lot of role play, and by the end you might even find yourself with a little more confidence in your work!

Advanced Motivational Interviewing

Sometimes students will be resistant in these conversations, to the point of frustration. This training teaches how to roll with the resistance, and how special techniques in reflective listening can break down obstacles. This training involves a lot of role play, and can be customized to tackle the types of communication roadblocks you have encountered in your program.